- 資 格:上述相關領域博士學位、並具有國際學術地位之學者
- 申請資料:
- 履歷表(含個人學經歷及著作目錄)
- 教學計畫書、研究計畫書
- 聯絡方式:
📞: 06-303-2121*57738
✉ : hsuai@nycu.edu.tw
以E-mail或掛號郵寄至『71150台南市歸仁區高發三路301號306辦公室』。 - 經初審通過者,將另行通知面試,未通過初審者恕不退件亦不另行通知。
College of Artificial Intelligence and Green Energy
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Yushan Scholar Program
The National Chiao Tung University will establish a new College of Artificial Intelligence in August 2019. We are seeking qualified applicants for teaching and research in all areas of artificial intelligence. World-class expertise in followings (but not limited to) is sought:
- AI sciences and foundations
- AI computing software and hardware systems
- AI chips and system on chips
- Intelligent systems
- Domain applications (such as robotics, green energy, autonomous systems, commerce, industry 4.0, agricultural, smart city, etc.)
- security, ethic, and other aspects of AI
The new college will be located at Tainan with easy access to high-speed rail. Positions available full professors. A Ph.D. degree is required. Commitments to research and teaching are essential. Please send your application including research plan, teaching plan, 3 recommendation letters ,and CV with a cover letter to the following address or by email. Other supporting documents will be requested afterwards.
Email contact:hsuai@nycu.edu.tw